Plan B School – Development through creativity

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The course of the process of the Plan B School in Vejle took place over 4 days of workshops, where students developed new concepts of learning environments based on their own needs and experiences through their stay at Plan B.

The Plan B School was a training school that was designed to give young people from 4th – 9th Class tools to be included in the daily education at their respective schools. Common to all students who followed this 10-week course was that they are all functioning normally but need more stimulating teaching not only visually and aurally, but also bodily, tactile and through various forms of movement and variation.

It was very exciting to co-create with children from this school since they, through the course, is more aware of different learning styles and learning environments then most other students. Unfortunately, the Plan B School has been closed due to savings in Vejle municipality.

The course was conducted over a 3-week period in December 2011


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